The Team

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Bryan Beauchamp - CEO

As a 5th generation farmer, Bryan hopes to pass along the great tradition of farming to his children. Growing up in a farming town in Southern California, Bryan learned to appreciate the life of the American farmer. He loved the people involved in the business and the challenges that drew out both innovation and creativity, while providing critical and successful farming. Bryan’s background was in farming hay crops for retail sales as well as dairy farms. He developed a depth of experience through opportunities to farm carrots and onions for some of the largest farmers in the world (John Calandri and Bolthouse).

In 1999, Bryan became a successful young financial services professional, servicing clients with life Insurance and securities products. He moved to Montana in 2000 and started a construction and land development company.  His company quickly became one of western Montana's premier builder/developers. 

The challenges in growing and harvesting, lead Bryan to search for new technologies in the farming world. He continues to look for the answer of how to grow better produce in a predictable time frame on a consistent basis.


Sebastien Guilhemotonia - CFO

Sebastien has background in business administration in managing his multiple real-estate businesses, as well as conducting strategic planning for his family’s commercial machining and manufacturing company Aqua Creek Products. Producing stainless steel pool access lifts sold worldwide. He helped grow the company from a small team 16 to rapidly scale up to over 50 in the span of 12 months to meet market demand.

He served for 10 years in the United States Army as a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot, as well as working in the intelligence community for both civil assistance missions and foreign operations.

Sebastien enjoys mentoring team-members, simultaneous complex operations, and creative business finance.